Anti-Robbery Forensic Spray

Over recent years, many banking retail environments have transitioned away from traditional protected counters in favour of more customer friendly open plan reception areas. Some criminals have seen this an opportunity to exploit the security of exposed counter cash and threaten the safety of branch staff.

S&T Systems was commissioned with the technical development of covert forensic spray systems that would assist law enforcements to detect criminals post attack and provide customers with an active deterrent against future robberies.

S&T Systems developed a security device to be embedded in a covert position onsite close to the escape route of the criminal. On exiting the crime scene, a forensic spray would be released onto the criminal’s person.

The system can be triggered in a number of ways to suit a bespoke application. These methods range from simple manual remote panic alarms to proximity sensing cash bundles with encrypted closed band RF signalling.
In the event of an incident, the unique forensic spray is triggered and directed onto the offender. The sprayed product remains detectable by law enforcements using a UV light source for up to three months. It is not possible to wash off or remove the invisible spray residue from skin or clothing.

Unlike other security systems, the forensic spray is irrefutable and successfully links the criminal to the scene of the crime by contamination with a unique DNA style taggant. Protected environments have ranged from banking halls, Bureaux de Change and public transport vehicles across major European cities.

S&T Systems was awarded the Success Through Innovation Award 2015 at the FBW Awards for their valuable contribution to this project.

If you would like to know more about how S&T Systems can support your organisation, please get in touch.

Call us today on 0800 0920 076 or email us at